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JSONSki is a streaming JSONPath processor with fast-forward functionality. During the streaming, it can automatically fast-forward over certain JSON substructures that are irrelavent to the query evaluation, without parsing them in detail. To make the fast-forward efficient, JSONSki features a highly bit-parallel solution that intensively utilizes bitwise and SIMD operations that are prevelent on modern CPUs to implement the fast-forward APIs. For more details about JSONSki, please refer to our paper [1].


[1] Lin Jiang and Zhijia Zhao. JSONSki: Streaming Semi-structured Data with Bit-Parallel Fast-Forwarding. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2022.

Best Paper Award Winner

  title={JSONSki: Streaming Semi-structured Data with Bit-Parallel Fast-Forwarding},
  author={Lin Jiang and Zhijia Zhao},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)},

Getting Started

Build and Run



  make clean
  make all


Assume executable example file is example1.

  cd bin

NPM Package (JavaScript Binding)


JSONPath is the basic query language of JSON data. It refers to substructures of JSON data in a similar way as XPath queries are used for XML data. For the details of JSONPath syntax, please refer to Stefan Goessner’s article.

Supported Operators (to be updated)

| Operator | Description | | :———————–: |:—————–:| | $ | root object | | . | child object | | [] | child array | | * | wildcard, all objects or array members | | [index] | array index | | [start:end] | array slice operator |

Operators Not Supported (to be updated)

| Operator | Description | | :———————–: |:—————–:| | @ | current object filtered by predicate | | .. | decendant elements | | [?(<expression>)] | filter expression for evaluation | | [index1, index2, ...] | multiple array indexes | | [-start:-end] | last few array elements | | $..[*] | get all arrays | | () | script expression, using underlying script engine |

Path Examples

Consider a piece of geo-referenced tweet in JSON

    "coordinates": [
        40.74118764, -73.9998279
    "user": {
        "id": 6253282
    "place": {
        "name": "Manhattan",
        "bounding_box": {
            "type": "Ploygon",
            "pos": [
                [-74.026675, 40.683935],

| JsonPath | Result | | :——- | :—– | | $.coordinates[*] | all coordinates | | $.place.name | place name | | $.place.bounding_box.pos[0]| first position of the bounding box in place | | $.place.bounding_box.pos[0:2]| first two positions of the bounding box in place |


Records Loading (Class: RecordLoader)

API Usage Examples

A few examples (in cpp files) are provided in the example folder. They demostrate how to use our APIs to implement JSON queries. To create and test your examples, please update the makefile accordingly.

Performance Results


Four sample datasets are included in dataset folder. Large datasets (used in performance evaluation) can be downloaded from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1157Uho73N3b4e2a7ZI7CUx9gpdG_0pmM?usp=drive_link and placed into the dataset folder.

Methods Comparison

We compared JSONSki with RapidJSON, JPStream, simdjson and Pison for processing (i) a single bulky JSON record and (ii) a sequence of small JSON records. For non-streaming mdethods (RapidJSON, simdjson, and Pison), we included both the preprocessing time (parsing or indexing) and the querying time. Same datasets from Pison repository are used in this performance evaluation, including tweets (TT) from Twitter developer API, Best Buy (BB) product dataset, Google Maps Directions (GMD) dataset, National Statistics Post-code Lookup (NSPL) dataset for United Kingdom, Walmart (WM) product dataset, and Wikipedia (WP) entity dataset. Each dataset is a single large JSON record of approximately 1GB. Small records are extracted from the dominating array (a large array consists with sub-records) in each dataset, and are delimited by newlines. For each dataset, we created two JSONPath queries, listed in the following table:

ID JSONPath Query Number of Matches
TT1 $[*].entities.urls[*].url 88,881
TT2 $[*].text 150,135
BB1 $.products[*].categoryPath[1:3].id 459,332
BB2 $.products[*].videoChapters[*].chapter 8,857
GMD1 $[*].routes[*].legs[*].steps[*].distance.text 1,716,752
GMD2 $[*].available_travel_modes 270
NSPL1 $.meta.view.columns[*].name 44
NSPL2 $.data[*][*][2:4] 3,509,764
WM1 $.items[*].bestMarketplacePrice.price 15,892
WM2 $.items[*].name 272,499
WP1 $[*].claims.P150[*].mainsnak.property 15,603
WP2 $[10:21].claims.P150[*].mainsnak.property 35

Machine Configuration

CPUs: two Intel 2.1GHz Xeon E5-2620 v4 (64-bit ALU operations and 256-bit SIMD instructions).

Memory: 128GB RAM.

Processing A Single Large Record

The following figure reports the execution time of different methods for single large record processing. Results show that JSONSki runs over 12x faster over the existing JSON streaming tool JPStream, thanks to its bitwise fast-forward optimizations. Comparing to other SIMD-based JSON tools, JSONSki is about 3x faster than Pison, and more than 4x faster than simdjson.

Fig.1 - Execution Time of Processing A Single Large Record.


Processing Many Small Records

Fig.2 shows the performance results of processing a sequence of small records, which are similar to those of processing single large records, except that most methods run a bit faster, thanks to the better cache locality.

Fig.2 - Execution Time of Processing A Sequence of Small Records.


More evaluation results can be found in our ASPLOS’22 paper [1].